Welcome to my blog, I'm a student at Kaniere School on the West Coast in New Zealand.
Wednesday, 18 December 2019
SLJ Week 1 Day 3
If I was a super hero my powers would be flying flying would be my first power. Invisible would be my second power and teleporting would be my third power.
Tuesday, 17 December 2019
SLJ Week 1 Day 2
When I did something brave I went on a water slide that has a big drop then you go up again then go done to the bottom.
Monday, 16 December 2019
Pet Project
On the 16th kainere school is having a pet day. For pet day I am going to bring a chicken and it is called fluff.
Thursday, 12 December 2019
SLJ Teaser -Donald Trump
I do not like Donald Trumps idea because the wall between Mexico and the USA is bad. I think it is really unfair building a wall between Mexico and the USA.
When people travel they won't be able to go to Mexico and the USA from the wall.
When people travel they won't be able to go to Mexico and the USA from the wall.
SLJ Teaser -Protesting
If I protested I would protest on war. I would try stop the war. I would tell people to stop the war because people are getting hurt.
SLJ Teaser -Principal
If I was principal of Kaniere School I would change a playground in to a gym because then we can do gymnastics. I would get the pool back because on hot days we can go in it. I would make a new playground because the others are old.
Wednesday, 11 December 2019
SLJ Teaser -Mum
My mum is always happy and has a smile on her face.
My mum is always tough because she dosen't get hurt
My mum always letting me come with her in the garden and she plants peas and yams.
My mum is always tough because she dosen't get hurt
My mum always letting me come with her in the garden and she plants peas and yams.
SLJ Teaser -Renny
Renny is proud of that she can do a front flip on the tramp because they are fun to do and it feels amasing to be doing a forward role in the air. Renny is proud of getting on subtraction on extra math. Renny feels proud of taking responsibility to look after an animal.
SLJ Teaser -The Water Project
The water project is to help people access fresh water. Some people have died from drinking the wrong water. Each year people have died boys and girls have died from drinking the wrong water. Some people have to walk to find water but they get the water from poo ponds and the people have got really sick. https://thewaterproject.org/

Tuesday, 10 December 2019
Monday, 9 December 2019
Monday, 11 November 2019
On Monday we had Mr Kinane come in to our class and we did some coding. First we had to make a spiral I started to make it but it turned like this. I really liked the patterns that we made.
Wednesday, 6 November 2019
Calendar Art
Monday, 16 September 2019
Haiku poem
This is my Haiku poem. My goat is in there. I am on the tramp and there is fish and chips. You just need to do three sentences and 17 syllables.
Friday, 13 September 2019
Haiku poem
Thursday, 12 September 2019
We have been learning about multiplication which is another name for repeated addition.
It was hard to make it but I got it.
The last one was hard because I had to do 50 horses. This was 10+10+10+10+10 or 10 or
10x5 which equal 50.
Tuesday, 3 September 2019
Colour poem
This was hard because it took a week and a day to do. I like the music because it is one way but then it changes half way through. I like the mandarin I made.
Monday, 2 September 2019
As you see in the picture to make this you need all the things in the picture. It was hard to make the picture because it was hard to find the blocks. It is lots of rainbow circles. To make every thing on the board go away you had to do the start then the clear then press the space button. I like the picture because they are rainbow.
Wednesday, 21 August 2019
I made people geting told off the people with sad faces are geting told off the people with happy faces are not geting told off.
Monday, 5 August 2019
Melted Wax Art
When we started our clowns we drew the clowns in our everyday book. When we finished we had to draw it on a big piece of white paper. Then we had to paint it with crayons. We painted it with crayons because we melted the crayons in an electric frypan in a muffin tin. It took a long time to finish the painting. The people that have finished drawing their pictures we were written on the white board then we would get to paint. The people that didn't finish they just kept drawing and then they got written on the board. We had to do long strokes and got 1 or 2 brushes for each colour. Then it was some other people's turns. After we had finished we would get a photo. It took us a week to finish.
I like my art because it has love heart eyes and it has like a sleepy hat on.
I like my art because it has love heart eyes and it has like a sleepy hat on.
Thursday, 25 July 2019
Vast means to see a really big landscape or sea. To make the picture I used polly line. I made a sea it was pretty easy.
Wednesday, 26 June 2019
Term 2 Reflection
I need to work on making my learning easier by practising it at home.
My favourite bit of the term was Cross Country because I came 2nd.I felt really happy. But I didn’t like doing two laps.
I didn’t like maths this year because it is hard. The multiplication is hard for me. The multiplication is hard because they are different to the additions.I need to work on making my learning easier by practising it at home.
My favourite bit of the term was Cross Country because I came 2nd.I felt really happy. But I didn’t like doing two laps.
I didn’t like maths this year because it is hard. The multiplication is hard for me. The multiplication is hard because they are different to the additions.
I need to work on making my learning easier by practising it at home.
My favourite bit of the term was Cross Country because I came 2nd.I felt really happy. But I didn’t like doing two laps.
I didn’t like maths this year because it is hard. The multiplication is hard for me. The multiplication is hard because they are different to the additions.I need to work on making my learning easier by practising it at home.
My favourite bit of the term was Cross Country because I came 2nd.I felt really happy. But I didn’t like doing two laps.
I didn’t like maths this year because it is hard. The multiplication is hard for me. The multiplication is hard because they are different to the additions.
Monday, 24 June 2019
Cross Country
On Friday the whole school walked to Mr Morison's farm for cross country. When we were waiting for our turn we sat on a black mat. When it was the year 4's turn we had to do two laps it was our first time doing two laps. Out of the year 4's in the girls I came 2nd. When every one had finished we all found our bags and packed up then we walked back to school. I felt really happy and puffed at the end.
Thursday, 20 June 2019
To do this i went on to cool text to write the word bolt up the top. Next we wrote a sentence then we had to write what bolt means. Then we had to do the drawing. I like the drawing because I am screwing in a bolt.
Wednesday, 12 June 2019
I learned what cease means. To make this I had to do a word of cease then say what it means then make a sentence what it is about then we had draw a picture.
Tuesday, 11 June 2019
To make this I put, when up arrow, pen down, set pen size to set 5, pen colour, move 200 pixels and 190 degrees and 400 pixels. I like the points of the shape. It was fun.
Thursday, 6 June 2019
I learnt what procrastinate means. First we had to write procrastinate then write a sentence and what it means then we drawn a picture.
Thursday, 30 May 2019
<iframe src="https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/e/2PACX-1vQewOgeM4TFVcnfhUC_BnWAwDLKEatijVsyqorec8mdyHAP_2Y_q6reU7P6vbqwFY2RMPCdYcsjGj0d/embed?start=false&loop=false&delayms=3000" frameborder="0" width="960" height="569" allowfullscreen="true" mozallowfullscreen="true" webkitallowfullscreen="true"></iframe>
Thursday, 28 March 2019
Doubles to 20
We have bean learning doubles to 20 like 4+4=8 8+8=16 9+9=18.I noticed that I had to count up in twos.
All About me
Hi my name is Lucy and I go to Kaniere School. My room is Ruma Tui. My age is 8. My favourite game is wink wink murderer. My friends are Olivia and Renny. My favourite thing to do at school is reading and writing. My favourite thing is going on the swings and going to the swimming pool. My favourite pet is cats and dogs . My pets are a cat, sheep and chickens. I like to eat fish and chips and pizza. My favourite sport is gymnastics and netball. I like to eat fish and chips and pizza. I am looking forward to this year to get a more writing and reading done. I want to get better at gymnastics.
Tuesday, 26 March 2019
Thursday, 14 March 2019
Shape pictures
The shapes I used was triangle, diamond, trapezium, pentagon and hexagon. I learnt that there's a shape called trapezium. A trapezium has 4 sides and 4 corners.
Tuesday, 12 March 2019
First we made the background then we did the writing. We took the picture and glued every thing on. I really like the background because it is colourful.
Thursday, 14 February 2019
Growing my Brain
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