Wednesday, 6 May 2020


Theas are the planes i made. The little one is a boat and a plane and the big one is just a plane. There are two seats in the big plane there is a driver seat and a passenger seat also.


  1. Gosh Lucy, thats awesome. How long did it take you to make?

  2. Hi Lucy
    They are awesome looking planes! What made you decide to build planes? What one did you make first?

  3. Your planes look pretty cool Lucy. Did you enjoy this task? Do you like building with lego? What else have you made with the lego?

  4. Hi Lucy
    Great job with your lego building. They look really good.
    My kids loved playing with lego when they were younger. During lock down I got a lot of the lego out, which was all in big container and sorted it out into separate colours, and containers and packed it away in the garage.


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